DuPage Woodworkers Logo

About The DuPage Woodworkers

Welcome To The DuPage Woodworkers. We are a local organization that meets once a month at St. James the Apostle Parish, 480 Park Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, IL. The church is south of Roosevelt Rd., and north of Butterfield Rd. on the west side of Park Blvd. Please enter through door "12" which is on the south side of the building. See our map.

For information about meetings dates and times see our calendar.

To support our motto, Learning by Sharing, business at our meetings is kept to a minimum so that we can focus on the evening's program; generally a demonstration of some aspect of the woodworking process. After a short break for refreshments, we have "From Our Workshop" where members can share their project and explain it to the attendees for admiration and questions.

Annual Toy Drive

One major charitable project undertaken by the DPWW is the annual toy drive. It started years ago when members learned that non-profit organizations in the area were not getting enough holiday toys for children in need. Over the course of the year, the members volunteer and make toys that are distributed at holiday time to less fortunate children.

ABC7 News on Toy Donations

ABC News covered the November 2022 toy drive meeting and reported that the group "distributed nearly 2000 handmade wooden toys" on their Eyewitness News "Chicago Proud" segment at 10pm - November 21-2022. The story starts at timestamp 24:21 of the broadcast. The finished products are brought to the November meeting, where they are packed by the members and distributed among several different non­profit organizations.

Individual members make toys year round for this event and DuPage Woodworkers holds toy workshops during the year at the local Woodcraft store in Woodridge, IL. At these workshops members enjoy time together while drilling, sanding and assembling toys.

Tax Status

DuPage Woodworkers is incorporated as an Illinois Not-For-Profit public charity organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under IRC Section 501(c ) (3) whose mission is to provide woodworking education and fellowship for members and service to the community. Contributions to DuPage Woodworkers are tax deductible under IRC Section 170 to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Contact the DuPage Woodworkers

George Rodgers, President
(708) 623-9038

Michael Kalscheur, Membership Chair

For information about meetings dates and times see our calendar.

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